As user of StretchCutWatermark application you must be aware of following:
We respect your privacy and this application is made with privacy aspects in mind.
First things first, all processing of images is performed locally on your device, and an application doesn't send it to any external services. To be clear, you can, in some cases, use for an example external storage, or send data to another app, but only on your explicit command.
StretchCutWatermark application for processing your images doesn’t use special access rights on your device beside the one which you provide and doesn’t use any of your personal information, but it will still collect some telemetry and usage data, which may identify you. That collecting we can separate in three main topics:
This application is provided to you through Microsoft Store, and you are authenticated within Microsoft Account.
Microsoft acts as an operator and has rights to collect various kind of personalized data through this application, operate with them, even share it with third parties.
We as a publisher have insights in some of them in form of various reports, mostly aggregated data of usage, crashes, and similar telemetry, and we don't dislocate that data from Microsoft services or share it with third parties
You have full control of Microsoft collected data on the following link:
More info and details on this link:
In this app we implement Microsoft Store Services SDK and use Microsoft Advertising Services.
Microsoft acts as an operator and has rights to collect various kind of personalized data through these services implemented in application, operate with them, even share it with third parties. Also, this data may be used to provide personalized Ads for you.
You have control of this Ads by the following link:
We as a publisher have insights in some of this in form of various reports and we don't dislocate that data from Microsoft services or share it with third parties.
Once again you have full control of this data on following link:
And you can be informed by the below link (especially pay attention on "Exhibit E: Advertising Services Addendum").
Some earlier version of a app is showing ads and advertises with AdDuplex. This is deprecated and in and higher versions will we use only Microsoft Advertising Services.
Ad Duplex privacy statement
We are trying to avoid direct collecting any of personalized data, but in some cases, in order to obtain a quality of an app, we need to turn on some telemetry data collecting. Analytics software (precisely HockeyApp) is been used for better understanding how the consumers are using our application and resolve bugs and crash situations. This means that we will not receive any specific information regarding the user, but still we will collect information as: partial IP Address, userId, OS info, Hardware etc.
In versions prior of telemetry is on, and in versions higher of (which is mandatory after May 20th, 2018) such telemetry is off, and we don’t collect any of data. If we needed to turn on data collection in some next version (or you are using versions prior to, we will follow next procedure:
Shortly, if you use version prior then our telemetry is on, if you on higher version telemetry is off.
Hockey App
Application insights
If we decide to change our privacy policy, we will post those changes on this page, and/or update the Privacy Policy modification date below.
Our privacy policy for this app you can find on the following link:
This policy was last modified on 20. May 2018.